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Unlock the Power of Data Streaming: Introducing The Ultimate Guide

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Industry use cases and data streaming trends for your (virtual) book shelf: Download the Ultimate Data Streaming Guide for free

Having seen so many real-life examples of the usage of data streaming and the rise of respective communities in so many industries, it was about time to collect these findings in one asset. Hence we are excited to announce the launch of “The Ultimate Data Streaming Guide: Concepts, Use Cases, Industry Stories,” a practical guide that dives into real-world use cases across industries, offering useful insights into what makes data streaming successful in practice in real applications.

The aim is for both experienced users and “streaming newcomers“ to explore practical applications of data streaming through specific scenarios and industry examples. All industry trends are based on current research and discussions with existing Confluent customers. The scenarios are directly linked to these trends and are evident in real customer examples. We are excited to share over a dozen real-life customer examples in the book, including BMW Group, KOR, Lufthansa, Migros, Schiphol Group, and Uniper.

“This book is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to dive deep into the world of data streaming. It captures not only the technology but also the stories behind its adoption and the value it delivers.“

—Jay Kreps, Inventor of Apache Kafka, Co-founder and CEO of Confluent

The book includes a matrix of technical data streaming use cases and vertical industry success stories, completed with those customer examples. This structure is designed for easy access, whether you are responsible for data streaming platforms and services within your company or need to present specific examples to upper management. IT executives can leverage the book‘s insights to highlight business value findings. For those reading the digital version, links are provided to seamlessly navigate from a case study in Chapter 3 to the related technical use cases in Chapter 2, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of how data streaming can drive success in your organization. Chapter 4 extends the book with best practices for creating and positioning internal data streaming communities to promote, inspire, and further identify use cases. With Chapter 5 the book concludes with a summary of best practices and how companies can start, accelerate, and continue their data streaming journey.

We’re already working on the next edition of the book, featuring new use cases, real-life examples, and more community success stories. Want to be part of it? Do you have feedback or ideas? Email us at use-case-book@confluent.io.

Data streaming is a journey, and by reading this free book, you will learn about its transformative potential and how it can boost your business into the future while driving industry innovation. Enjoy the read!

Learn even more about how you can unlock the power of data streaming:

  • Kai ist Global Field CTO bei Confluent. Zu seinen Fachgebieten gehören Big Data Analytics, maschinelles Lernen, Messaging, Integration, Microservices, das Internet der Dinge, Stream-Verarbeitung und Blockchain. Er ist außerdem Verfasser von Fachartikeln, hält Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen und teilt seine Erfahrungen mit neuen Technologien in seinem Blog (www.kai-waehner.de/blog).

  • Evi beschäftigte sich bereits während ihres Studiums der Phonetik und Psycholinguistik mit den Einflüssen der Kommunikation. Heute setzt sie diese Theorien als leidenschaftliche Marketerin in der IT-Branche in die Praxis um, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Account-Based Marketing und strategischer Technologiepositionierung in Unternehmen durch Community Building. Als Global Lead, Demand Generation and Expansion bei Confluent entwickelt und implementiert sie Marketingstrategien auf der Grundlage erfolgreicher Daten-Streaming-Anwendungsfälle in verschiedenen Branchen.

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